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div style="text-align: center; display: block;">FREELANCE ARTICLE WRITER

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dat First Night

Now dat first nite, it be a strange night for both of dem. Dey be all hungry and anxious and cold. Dey only things dey brought with dem is some blankets and a pillow a piece. As dey snuggled into der little hut Ben built, dey knew dey couldn't survive dis way long so on der wedding night dey stayed up and talked pert near all night long. Dey's a makin plans for dey life togeder. First thing dey decide is dey ain't gonna be like der families wuz. Dey gonna be honorable folk. Dey gonna go to church and be somebody. Dey gonna work hard and try to have something. Dey made another impotant decision dat night and dat wuz until dey had a real roof over dey head dey would not bring a child into dis world till dey could raise it rite. Dat last one wuz gonna be the hard part. Could Ben hold out fo de sake of his family?

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