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div style="text-align: center; display: block;">FREELANCE ARTICLE WRITER

Sunday, January 17, 2010

De First Week of Marriage

De first few days when dey git off of work Carol Ann she stop by de crik and git em sum wader to cook with and Ben he be bringing home a few rocks what to build a cover fo de well. Why Ben be digging with a borrowed shovel Carol Ann be washing de clothes and cooking dey supper. De be freezing of a night so dey sleep in de clothes and dey pray it don't rain. Sum people from de church came by and Carol Ann and Ben de decide de gonna be church folk.
Now by de time Saturday git here Ben dun got half the place cleared, but dey really be needing water so he dug that ol well hole all day and little Carol Ann on her hands and knees be pullin weeds and clearing dat land off. Dey had to git to bed early on a count of tomarraw be der first church service and de shure don't wanna be late and make people think less of em cause anyone dat know de family is gonna be wondering whats up when dey show up.
By de end of de day Carol Ann got de whole place cleared and Ben he done dug six feet deep but no water yet. As dey lay der dat night shiverin in de col de felt so warm in der hearts as dey looked around der newly cleared land, dey felt so blessed of God and laying der in cold nite air dey decided tomarraw de wuz gonna Praise de Lord in his house.

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